Some thoughts stuck me while "Shivratri Pooja"was being performed at home.
Here they are
- Throw the the wet wood away. It creates only smoke ( Attitude is more important than potential,bad attitude not only drains the resources but also creates a bad environment )
- Make sure only dry wood is used ( Take people who have the ability and the attitude to accomplish )
- Have different sizes of firewood . ( Have both experience and youth in your team )
- Dont clutter the kund with too much wood . Gradually add as the flame picks up (Start with the most crucial and relevant people and add to the team as and when required )
- Keep the pieces of wood slightly apart ( Give individuals their own space within a team)
- The thinnest piece of wood catches the fire faster and should be used to propagate the flame. (The most inexperienced members of a team are the most excitable . Use them to create passion and energy ,both of which are infectious )
- Add ghee periodically and strategically to wood closest to the flame and not the farthest away (Give Incentives for extra efforts and not as bribe to underperformers)
- Throw thick chunks of wood in the heart of the flame.(Give responsible opportunities to high potential people )
- Move the wood occassionaly It ensures that wood burns completely . (Appraise regularly )
- Ensure sufficient ventilation.( Allow the team members to voice their opinions and concerns )
- Don't put your hand in the fire unless required.(Avoid micromanagement.This only erodes the confidence of the team)
- Fan the flame when it seems to die.(Motivate and challange people when they seem to slacken .)