Sunday, December 12, 2004

dps rkp

Before the storm over Anara Gupta porn mania could subside ,we were hit by another tornado in the form of a fellatio fiesta performed by one of the students of a prominent delhi educational instutuion.Ironically the girl's TALENTS were also of the academic kind and which also goes to prove tht all da toppers dont have 2 look (thankfully ) and behave like Jassi.
It must have come as a shock for all those who associated school days with puppy love . The apparent virtuoso PERFORMANCE would certainly defog the glasses of all those who thought that women have sex for love and men love 4 sex...
It certainly didnt come as any surprise ...atleast to me....for such things were commonplace in most schools gangbangs ) dope n whteva u can think of ...evn in my schooldays during the mezolithic era...But certainly it used to be much discreet and most of us relied on word of mouth rather than graphic n explicit evidence as a proof of our CONQUEST ...geez i fell antiquated now....Well the thing to note here is tht both Anara Gupta and the gal in question here are 16-17 years old and both were willingly filmed rather than framed ...
Sometimes i wonder where is society going to....other times i wish i were 16 again :)......Well Delhiz denizens along with the rest of the nation are expectedly offended ......How can a schoolboy and a girl have sex ??????? n evn tape it......(Well i wud credit the gal 4 actuaaly knwin 2 enjoy it n being smart to do the easy thin rather thn doin all da way n gettin preggy ).....n the noises........We r Indians...not Amrikaans....v have a history and culture ...5000 thousand yearz old..v used 2 domesticate dinosaurs....yeh sab yahan nahi such double standards have certainly helped .....v BS so mch bout morals and values and gandhi ji ke desh mein ....v dnt discuss sex in publik...n hell ...the rate at wh v make babies wud put rabbits outta business....
I cant yet understand why ppl r creatin such noise for...ban cellphones in skool ????(sure....teachers can keep them and if parents need to get in tch ..they can thru them )...spoilt kidz ???(well if daddy dearest dsnt give a damn..why shud u ???n if they r real mean ,,,thn put em in detention 4a week and put on Aastha channel ...make em listen 2 Aasa Ram bapu's DISCOurces..:)....
Well all this leads nowhere ....i guess the kids got a lil adventorous esp whn u have pam anderson's and paris hiltons video's makin waves....i guess coz v tend 2 imitate starz in behaviour,.....this was thr way of xpressin thr hepness n kool ness....teenage yrz r trblsome 4 all n evry1 does feel da need 2 push themselves ...i wish the press were lil more senstive..