Hospitals by no means are pleasant place.I don't think anyone apart from those who work there would be keen on visiting it (barring the expectant mother).There is this gloom in the air ,which even the five star ambience of an Apollo or even a Fortis cannot override.
For starters I would like to categorise the patients.There are those who are chronically ill seasoned campaigners for whom hospital is home away from home . And there are those who just discovered some ailment and are there for the treatment.The former would have a bored looking attendant watching the TV or giving the nth version of the patient's progress to the odd visitor,
The newbie patient would invariably be having a whole posse siting in the lobby ,with distant relatives pouring in to mark their attendance.
It is a safe assumtion that Indians need a lesson in hospital etiquette. The great Indian visit to the hospital is done with the same attitude as a trip to the airport to receive a Kukku chacha .That is loud ,boisterous and in overwhelming numbers.
We invaribaly expect that the hospital accomdate our entire battalion of a dozen odd people in the restricted hour .And why not ?? After all ,you have paid the outrageous bill the hospital charges.You have every right to treat it as your property and abuse the poor security guard for doing his duty.And when its all said and done ,curse the hospital and tell the stranger sitting next to you 'ek number ke chor hain yahan '!
It does'nt matter whether you are causing inconvenience to other patients,never mind inflicting those battered bodies with your fresh street germs.
This saddens me a great deal because even my family is guilty of the same at times.
But when I look at it and think about it,this has been a part of our socio - cultural conditioning.The hospital case is just a small example of a deeper malaise,a simple truth ,that we utterly lack any civility and sensitivity ...and it shows
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